SAP Cloud Certification

SAP Cloud Certification Practice Exams

SAP Cloud Certification helps to boost your career in Cloud Computing domain. The SAP Certification in the Cloud is currently available for core SAP Cloud solutions just in time for you to prove its skill set with cloud specific credentials. The SAP will also be migrating its traditional certification program to the Cloud, hence the opportunities for consultants with SAP Certification in the Cloud is limitless.

Obtaining the Cloud Certificate with SAP is a great way to extend your knowledge, stand out in a competitive job market, and make yourself a more valuable resource to the number of companies who use SAP software solutions.

We are here to help you achieving your goal by using our online certification practice exam platform. Our certification practice exams are divided in different categories based on SAP Cloud modules, please select the appropriate module to know more about it.

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Cloud Testimonials... (Write a Testimonial!)

  • With so many options available for preparing for C_THR81_1808 certificate exam, it becomes difficult to choose the right one. However, i did a deep research and found out the things that matter - one is that the questions for practice should be updated and second is that there should be self analysis feature. Both the features and many more great ones were available here. The simulated SF EC mock test environment is apt for the right amount of practice.

    Jan 2 2019 - 10:20
  • With 2 months of study, I was able to pass the certification. ERPPREP helped me a lot!

    Dec 21 2018 - 17:59
  • I just passed the exam.I practiced  two weeks.I will recomed ERP to my friends   
    Thanks ERP.

    Dec 16 2018 - 20:18
  • My respect for sap certified professionals increased all the more when i became one myself. I worked hard to pass the exam and i am glad that i did. Becoming a sap certified professional requires dedication and honesty in preparation. I used to give C_THR81_1808 mock tests on this site. The unlimited attempts feature and the result history with attempted questions and answers made me a confident person. I gave the actual SAP SF EC exam and emerged as a winner with 79%! Thank you and everyone associated with it.

    Oct 21 2018 - 11:03
  • Thank you ERPPREP team. Very clear certification based approach on their simulation testing. Passed the EC certification in the first go. I would highly recommend this site to anyone who is looking for a serious, "no gas" certification preparation material. 

    Aug 5 2018 - 05:14
  • Hi, 
    Took my exam in SF Employee Central after preparing myself with this web and it all wen´t great!! 88% in the first exam!! Thank you very much. It helped me a lot to understand and get a realistic view of the final exam.

    Jul 11 2018 - 08:32
  • I would like to thank All premium exams of SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central are really helpful and I wouldn't make it without study EC Implementation guide and doing the prep premium exams with  Thanks very much, -Bruno Silva

    Jun 24 2018 - 23:02
  • I got pass with very good score. Great material. Highly recommended.

    Jun 1 2018 - 09:56