100% Refund Guarantee

We are committed to your success and offer a 100% Money-Back Guarantee if you fail to pass your SAP Certification exam. We are confident in our premium practice exams, and we believe you will not need to use this option.

If, however, you do not pass the actual SAP Certification exam, we will refund the money you paid for premium practice exam access. We want you to feel secure and assured that your investment is safe with us. Here's how to claim your refund:

How to Request a Refund

  1. Email Your Request: Send an email to refund@erpprep.com within 90 days of purchasing your premium practice exams. Include your www.erpprep.com order number.
  2. Include Required Documents: Attach the following documents to your email:
    • Your SAP exam attempt certificate with scorecard or valid screenshots of your exam results.
    • Forward the email you received after completing the exam, which contains the link to the scorecard.
    • A government-issued photo ID.

Important Details

  1. Matching Information: The details on your submitted documents must match the information you provided when purchasing the premium SAP certification practice exam.
  2. Practice Requirements: To qualify for the refund, you must have scored at least 90% three times on our full premium practice exams on www.erpprep.com before the actual exam date. Your premium access should be active on the date of your exam. This ensures that you have sufficiently practiced with our premium exams before taking the real SAP Certification exam.

Terms and Conditions

  • The refund request must be made within 90 days from the date of purchase.
  • All submitted documents must be verifiable and authentic.
  • Refunds will only be issued if all the above conditions are met.

We stand by the quality and effectiveness of our premium practice exams. Your success is our priority, and we are dedicated to providing you with the best preparation tools. Rest assured that your investment with us is safe and secure. If you have put in the effort and still do not pass, we will honor our promise to refund your money.

For any questions or further assistance, please contact our support team at support@erpprep.com.

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