About Us

Welcome to ERPPrep.com - An online platform to practice for SAP Certification Exam

Who are we?

'Why are we' is more important than 'Who are we.' We are here to help SAP community users to make their SAP certification dream real by practicing with our certification practice exam platform. We are not here to provide SAP Certification exam dumps. We are here to provide a platform where SAP technology experts can join hands to impart knowledge available to SAP community users that can help them clear their SAP Certification exams with a good score.

We are a group of SAP consultants having experience in various domains of SAP Technology. With our long journey and extensive engagement in providing SAP solutions across multiple industries, we have gone through many ups and downs and gained various skills and competencies in different areas of SAP Technology. At the beginning of our journey for SAP Certification, we faced a lot of difficulties in finding quality material to prepare for the SAP Certification exam. Still, we do not want others to pass through the same challenges. We aim to build a community for SAP Certification exams for the user and by the user.

What makes us different?

We aim to cater to our user's needs. All our users benefit from:

  • A personal relationship where you are understood - Our user's individual goals are fundamental to the services we offer.

  • Exceptional levels of service and advice - We are streamlined to meet our user's needs in the most efficient way possible.

  • Service you trust - We put our users first. Our team is highly regarded for its technical expertise.

What they're saying?

We value our users and their opinions as we are aiming to offer friendly and useful service, and we need to know if we are succeeding in our goal.


  • Hi guys, I just passed my FI certification today 06/06/2018 with 88%, and I can say that ERP prep are the best.
    I tried to use a different website before and I failed. I was really insecure about ERP due to my previous experience, but you can trust ERP.  The questions are really similar  to the test and I do recommend to study both practice  exams full/min. 
    Thank you ERP, now let's go to CO SAP certification.

    Jun 6 2018 - 18:33
  • Passed FI certification today with 90%. Questions are exactly the same provided by erpprep. I recommend it!

    Jun 5 2018 - 19:44
  • I cleared SD certification exam with 92% with the help of erpprep. It's very very helpfull for the person who want to attend SAP certification exam.  So thanks ERPPREP.Com.

    Jun 4 2018 - 20:24
  • Great help for passing the SAP Certification. Recommended for getting sap certification. The questions have many sets are exactly the same as SAP certification exam. If you use this test blank guarantee to get passing for certification.

    Jun 4 2018 - 06:16
  • I got pass with very good score. Great material. Highly recommended.

    Jun 1 2018 - 09:56
  • Dear ERPPREP Team, you gyus are real ROCK STARS!!!
    Passed my exam yesrerday with 91% and even finished the exam in just 25 minutes.

    May 29 2018 - 09:27
  • Recomendo o site! Score de 100% após a leitura das apostilas e auxílio dos simulados do ERPPREP.

    May 28 2018 - 18:02
  • I did my FI Certification exam yesterday, and got through with 88% marks. I would like to recommend erpprep for all students who are planning to sit for the exam. This is truly helpful and you must practice the questions here as much as you can before you sit for the real exam. A big thank you to erpprep team!!!

    May 25 2018 - 02:59
  • Hello Team,

    I am very thankful for the guidance and abundance practice for the test, cuz of it i got 91%.

    Thank you so much.

    Thanks and Regards

    Pankaj Giri

    May 24 2018 - 14:11
  • I passed my C_TFIN52_67 certification today with good score in very short time. Thank you very much erpprep!!! I recommend to all erpprep is roght pathe to get certification.

    May 23 2018 - 13:15