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Welcome to ERPPrep.com - An online platform to practice for SAP Certification Exam

Who are we?

'Why are we' is more important than 'Who are we.' We are here to help SAP community users to make their SAP certification dream real by practicing with our certification practice exam platform. We are not here to provide SAP Certification exam dumps. We are here to provide a platform where SAP technology experts can join hands to impart knowledge available to SAP community users that can help them clear their SAP Certification exams with a good score.

We are a group of SAP consultants having experience in various domains of SAP Technology. With our long journey and extensive engagement in providing SAP solutions across multiple industries, we have gone through many ups and downs and gained various skills and competencies in different areas of SAP Technology. At the beginning of our journey for SAP Certification, we faced a lot of difficulties in finding quality material to prepare for the SAP Certification exam. Still, we do not want others to pass through the same challenges. We aim to build a community for SAP Certification exams for the user and by the user.

What makes us different?

We aim to cater to our user's needs. All our users benefit from:

  • A personal relationship where you are understood - Our user's individual goals are fundamental to the services we offer.

  • Exceptional levels of service and advice - We are streamlined to meet our user's needs in the most efficient way possible.

  • Service you trust - We put our users first. Our team is highly regarded for its technical expertise.

What they're saying?

We value our users and their opinions as we are aiming to offer friendly and useful service, and we need to know if we are succeeding in our goal.


  • Hi,
    I clear SAP HCM in my first attempt because of this site. Please note maybe all the answers might not be correct, you may have to double check with the book. But the questions will still help you a lot.
    Thank you guys.

    Feb 11 2018 - 11:53
  • Hey
    I cleared SAP SD Cerification, Thanks to ERPPREP.COM, for the practise set questions.Guys I will suggest everyone to go ahead with this exam and do all the two set of premimum exams.
    Before that read books given by SAP , and I am sure proper revision and dedication will make it Live
    Thanks ERPPREP

    Feb 7 2018 - 16:14
  • Thanks a lot ERP PREP!!!!
    This is the best preparation platform for certification exam.
    I used to solve 315+ questions a day before 10 days of my exam and it really helped me alot.
    You will get similar questions in actual exam so try to score 100% in ERP PREP so that you can easily clear the actual exam.
    Exam code - C_tscm52_67.
    Exam score : 93%
    Thanks a lot.

    Jan 29 2018 - 17:54
  • Wow..... just passed with great score in very less time only.....
    My score is 92%

    Jan 29 2018 - 09:20
  • A very Big Thanks to ERPPrep. The Dreams will come true. Please Keep Practicing this so many times as possible as you can. A Great Effort from the SAP Exam Team. I have Scored 96 % with so many practices. The Money is not wasted here in this erpprep.com.

    Kanike Viswi Rajendra
    Jan 27 2018 - 20:44
  • The Premium Exams were from my point of view a great buy.
    By exercising 2 weeks  before my SAP CO certification with these mock exams I am glad to say that I passed my certification exam with 96%. And the best part is that I felt really prepared and confident going in, which is largelly the result of being able to train with the questions and the time-dependant set-up. Even if I knew the theory well, it is great being able to see the wording and the context of the questions.
    Highly recommend the premium exams for the CO module.
    Thank you!

    Jan 16 2018 - 10:02
  • i would like to say thanks to the team of erp prep, really the wonderful and best practice exams given by them..apart from this you can have live questions similar to SAP, which really assisted me to pass in the sap certification with 89%, only effort is  put by me for 15 to 20 hours with this i got very good marks, i just followed the instruction what ever they asked me to follow,  hence who ever wants to do certification please close eyes and do what ever this sits ask u to do, u will 100% get pass without any doubts
    wonderful material, thanks once again to erpprep.com

    Jan 9 2018 - 16:35

    Jan 8 2018 - 11:32
  • I was skeptical about spending money on a website that no one in my circle had heard of, but I promise you this site is legit.

    Jan 7 2018 - 07:04
  • I have just cleared my MM certification exam with 89%. undoubtedly saying that, this ERPPREP is great site for exam preparation and this helped me to prepare exam in proper structure and clear certification in single attempt. Thank you

    Dec 29 2017 - 19:29