A very useful component of your certification exam preparations.

The questions provided on this site are very similar to the questions on the actual exam. I feel that if anything the questions on this site are a little too helpful. For example a question on this site will specify the S/4HANA Cloud Implementation with SAP Activate where as the questions on the SAP exam do not make that distinction.
This site is very, very helpful and should very much be incorporated as part of your preparations for the actual SAP exam. However please do not kid yourself; just because you got 90% on the test you did here does not mean you will get 90% on the actual SAP exam. Preparation is key but also understanding the langauge that SAP use and the manner in which they describe things, both of which can be quite ambiguous.
I am intending to do more SAP certifications in the future and will definitely be using this site as part of my preperations for the certification exams.
